The Broken, the Redeemed

I just got back from a work trip and I promise you it was much more enjoyable than that sounds. I spent five days in a home with 17 other people, a bit of an introvert’s nightmare, but it may have changed my life forever. It wasn’t until I was crammed into that house with…

We Were Embraced by the Church

Because Dave (hubby) and I already had plans to meet with some family out of town today, we decided to try out the Saturday night service at church. And honestly, we had always done the second service on Sunday morning or nothing at all, but this time I just felt something pulling me to the…


Spearmint. Porch swings. Garth Brooks. Sweet tea. Southern comfort settled in my bones and began a rot at the marrow.           “Baby, you’re sick.” You were — are — always will be my cancer. I married a man with soft hands so I could sleep without the lights.

Together, Somehow

If you know me, you know I cannot delve into the tragedies that surround us. I can’t do that (watch every news coverage and hear everyone’s opinion and stance), and be functional. I can either learn all the facts, read all the sides, and mass-empathize with the crushing loss, or be functional and go to work, be a…


Learning how to engage (in genuine interactions), with people has been a true struggle. I’ve created a world of distance, where every relationship and exchange is fabricated with the persona of someone “normal.” I (for the safety of my own identity and psyche), withhold who I am to ensure the other person leaves happy, fulfilled,…